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Welcome to St Andrew's Church of England Primary School, where we "Learn together what is good and right." Our core values of LOVE, RESILIENCE, JOY, HOPE, FRIENDSHIP, and RESPECT are at the heart of everything we do, shaping our ethos and the strong relationships within our school community.

Situated in the picturesque village of Buckland Monachorum, on the edge of Dartmoor, we are a vibrant one-form entry school with close ties to St Andrew’s Church. Our Christian-based, inclusive ethos encourages every child to be challenged, discover their strengths, and actively participate in school life.

At St Andrew’s, we provide a high-quality education enriched by a creative curriculum that makes the most of our beautiful rural setting. From exploring Dartmoor National Park to visiting local landmarks such as Buckland Abbey, Tavistock, and the community Apple Orchard, our students enjoy learning experiences both in and beyond the classroom. Our school grounds also offer fantastic opportunities for outdoor education, including our much-loved 'muddy days.'

This website aims to give you a glimpse into the life of our school, as well as offer helpful information for parents and pupils alike. If you have any questions or would like to book on to our weekly Monday 9.30am tour of the school, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via the contact details provided.

Warm regards,

 Mrs Nunn


Mrs Deborah Nunn


Learning together what is good and right.’
Job 34: 4